Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Surgery is scheduled & other stuff

The cardiology department called today to schedule Taiko's surgery. It will be on July 7th, and we will plan to be in the hospital for eight or nine days.

Our pre-op appointment will be on June 29th where we will meet the surgeon (Dr Kouretas) and get an x-ray and have some blood work done.

My sister happens to be in town that weekend, which is awesome, and my mom will be here for all of July to help out.

We are loving the sunny weather - it's great to be able to get off work and walk over to our neighborhood park in the evenings. And it's an easier time getting there now that Simi rides her bike and Taipan takes his scooter. Taiko's tried out the slide, but isn't so sure about it. He more enjoyed sitting on the steps of the play structure and watching everyone around him.

Taisim, Taiko and I will be going to Pittsburgh on Saturday for Yuli's baby shower - I'm looking forward to celebrating the impending arrival of this little guy! We're going to leave nice and early to leave time for breaks; I don't think Taiko is quite up to 2.5 hours in the car yet. I don't think we'll have time, but I'm keeping a trip to Ikea in the back of my mind too.

The other big activity around here is that our basement is being finished. They started work on it in mid-May, and will be done this weekend. It's been a hustle and bustle of people in and out of the house, and right now we are overwhelmed with paint fumes, but it's looking great, and we can't wait for it to be finished. This will give each of the kids their own room too. If we can get decent pictures after the weekend I'll post those. We will also have more than enough room for visitors!

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