Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Fun with food

Both of these things were inspired by things I read on the AlwaysLearning list.

Someone posted this link, and it looked like something Taipan and Taisim would enjoy, so tonight we made them.

They joined me to poke the spaghetti through the hot dog pieces, and Taipan had the idea to put a few pieces of hot dog on one piece of spaghetti:

This was me getting creative - it looked sort of spidery when it was cooked:

Here's our finished product. I put it out with some toothpicks, and we grazed on them this evening. Taipan ended up liking the pasta best, and ate the spaghetti off the hot dogs, so we ended up with a bunch of hot dog pieces at the end ... he likes hot dogs with ketchup, but just wasn't in the mood for them tonight, so I offered to make him more pasta by itself, which he took me up on.

These pictures are from last night, and I didn't realize we did two fun food things in a row until I was starting this blog post. Some folks on the AlwaysLearning list were talking about Pajama Sam being available on the Wii and how much their kids liked it. I was curious and read up on it, and thought it sounded like something we would like, and we got it the other day. One of the mini-games is called "Cheese and Crackers", where you play tic-tac-toe and connect four and connect five, and one side uses cheese and the other crackers.

Last night Taipan said he wanted to play cheese and crackers for real, so we cut up some cheese, got some crackers, drew boards and played a few rounds. Simi liked putting pieces all over the board, while Taipan was focused on getting 3, 4 or 5 in a row. It was also a yummy snack afterwards.